


Interventional Psychiatry Curriculum 3

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in the historical context / Legal and ethical aspects of neurostimulation - political controversies and public stigma of the  method / Preparatory diagnostics and implementation of ECT, including patient information and risk / Anaesthesiological aspects and cooperation

Time: 1400-1800

Place: Zoom only

Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Müller / Dr. med. Nicolas Vasey


Executive Board Meeting - Murtenstrasse 21, 3008 Bern


General Assembly, Bern

as part of the SGPP Congress at 8 a. m.


Interventional Psychiatry Curriculum 4

Equipment knowledge, basics of the functionality of the stimulation equipment (TMS, tDCS and ECT) / Organization of a center for brain stimulation, quality and safety standards / Different forms of ECT / Indications and efficacy of ECT incl. patient selection and evaluation (focus: pregnant, in elderly) / Special indications for ECT

Time: 1400-1800

Place: Zoom only

Speaker: will be announced soon


Executive Board Meeting - virtual


Interventional Psychiatry Curriculum 5

ECT and (pre-existing) medication and concomitant therapies / Determination of seizure threshold, side effects and emergency situations / Contraindications and risk patients / Aspects of long term - maintainment ECT / Knowledge of the evidence and effectiveness of the method / Cost-benefit analysis / Reimbursement, TARMED and CHOP / Scientific evidence and research update on ECT

Time: 1400-1800

Place: Zoom only

Speaker: will be announced soon



Executive Board Meeting - virtual


Interventional Psychiatry Curriculum 2

Neuroanatomy of the central nervous system / Basics of cerebral imaging using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional magnetic resonance / Imaging (fMRI), nuclear medicine and electromagnetic methods and near-infrared spectroscopy NIRS) / Electrophysiology and neurobiological mechanisms of ECT

Time: 1400-1800

Place: Zoom only / Meeting-ID: 687 2772 6060 / Kenncode: 749302

Speaker: Pr. Bogdan Draganski MD FEAN MAE


Interventional Psychiatry Curriculum 1

History of the interventional psychiatry and international comparison / Basics of Physiology and Pathophysiology and fundamentals of the Electroencephalogram (EEG) / EEG: how to read – use in psychiatry

Time: 1400-1800

Place: Zoom only / Meeting-ID: 660 0475 5009 / Kenncode: 270122

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Olbrich


Executive Board Meeting - Murtenstrasse 21, 3008 Bern


Curriculum Interventional Psychiatry Modul T4

Further invasive and non-invasive brain stimulation procedures / Technical aspects of these procedures, Effects and side effects of the methods / Specific clinical basics for the individual procedures / Current status of clinical dissemination and use (indications) of these methods, evidence and efficacy /  Scientific evidence and research update on these methods

Time: 1400-1600

Place: Zoom Only - Zoom Meeting Curriculum T4 / Meeting-ID: 686 2264 0288 / Kenncode: 275943

Speaker: Dr. med. Fady Rachid


rTMS in der Therapie neuropsychiatrischer Krankheitsbilder

Time: 0900 - 1700

Place: UPD Bern, Raum 309, Bolligenstrasse 111, 3000 Bern 60

Anmeldung per Onlineformular bis zum 03.11.2023 via Homepage: Weiterbildung – SFND – Schweizerischer Fachverband für Neurophysiologische Diagnostik


Executive Board Meeting - virtual

26.10.2023 (old Date was 28.09.2023)

Curriculum Interventional Psychiatry Modul T3-3

Preparatory diagnostics and implementation of TMS with patient information and risk management

•           Aspects of long term/maintenance TMS therapy

•           Knowledge of the evidence and effectiveness of the TMS method

•           Cost-benefit analysis of TMS therapy

•           Scientific evidence and research update on TMS

Time: 1400-1800

Place: Zoom only - Zoom Meeting Curriculum T3-3 / Meeting-ID: 670 9688 2274 / Kenncode: 793246

Speaker: Dr. med. Fady Rachid


2nd Biennale Swiss Symposium of Interventional Psychiatry - a Symposium of the SGIP-SSPI – Swiss Society of Interventional Psychiatry

Time: 12.15 - 13.15

Place: SGPP Congress, Kursaal Bern, Room: Panorama 2+3

Further information here


General Assembly

Time: 13.15 - 14.15

Place: SGPP Congress, Kursaal Bern, Room: Panorama 2+3

Further information here


Executive Board Meeting - virtual


Executive Board Meeting - virtual


Curriculum Interventional Psychiatry Modul T3-2

Indications and efficacy of TMS including special indications patient evaluation and (pre-existing) medication / Side effects and emergency situations / Contraindications and risk patients

Time: 1400 - 1800

Place: full virtual - Zoom Link / Meeting-ID: 637 0278 7608 / Kenncode: 428756

Speaker: Dr. med. Fady Rachid


Executive Board Meeting - virutal / cancelled


This is the second part of the Curriculum from 29th September 2022.

Curriculum Interventional Psychiatry Modul T2-1:

Legal and ethical aspects of neurostimulation; Electrophysiology and neurobiological

Time: 1400-1500

Place: full virtual - Zoom Meeting Curriculum 20.04.2023, Meeting-ID: 667 8723 9624, Kenncode: 480643

Speaker: Prof. Thomas Müller


Curriculum Interventional Psychiatry Modul T3-1

General introduction, Safety issues and Stimulation protocols / Neurophysiological mechanism and neurobiological issues

Motor threshold and neuronavigation / Functional anatomy using TMS and neuroimaging (including neurocognitive effects in healthy cohort)

Time: 1400-1800

Place: Virtual only - Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 639 1271 9423 - Kenncode: 498125

Speaker: Prof. D. Hubl and PD Dr. Yosuke Morishima


Curriculum Interventional Psychiatry Modul T2-3

Aspects of long term/ maintainment ECT,  Knowledge of the evidence and effectiveness of the method , Cost-benefit analysis, Scientific evidence and research update on ECT , Specific ethical aspects, political controversies and public stigma of the method

Time: 1400-1800

Place: Zoom Only - Link: Curriculum 26.01.2023 / Meeting-ID: 645 0476 9324 / Kenncode: 820721

Speaker: Prof. Annette Brühl


Executive Board Meeting - virtual